
Very useful information.

Storage Spoofing Blacklist

 - 1 January 2018
In the FERM series on Storage Spoofing, we shed light on this form of cybercrime to raise awareness in the port area. You can find the first articles of our campaign online here (for Dutch, click here - for English, click here).
Our key objective is pro-active prevention. That is why, as a complement to our articles, we have set up a dedicated section of our website for a blacklist: a list of websites that are implicated in storage spoofing.
These websites are highly unreliable and often based on existing companies in the port area. The only purpose of the blacklisted sites is to facilitate attempts to defraud and swindle other companies on the basis of non-existent products and services. Please be aware that any website featured here might already have been removed and taken offline, but is still listed as we have chosen to keep a record for future reference.


A15 Logistics BV, http://www.a15logistics.nl
AUE Beheer, http://auebeheer.nl/
AV Maritime Logistics BV, http://av-maritimelogistics.nl
Baltic Port Tank Farms, http://en.balticport-tankfarms.ru
Beacon Terminals BV, http://www.beaconterminals.nl
Benetanker Chartering BV, http://www.benetanker.nl
Bominflot BV Tank Storage, http://bominflot.nl
Chemtrade Storage Nederland BV, http://www.chemtradestorage.com
Dagaz Shipping and Logistics, www.dagazsl.nl
Dan-Balt Tank Terminal, http://www.dan-balttank.nl
Exploitatie BV, http://www.exploitatie.org
Hartel Oil Terminal BV, www.harteloilterminalbv.nl
Maasvlakte Terminal, http://www.maasvlakteterminal.nl
Marine Bidco, http://marinebidco.nl
Nordwegs Tanks Farm & Shipping Company, https://www.nordwegs.com
Origbo UK Tank Farmhttps://www.origbo-tankfarm.com
Ozburn-Hessey Tank Terminal, https://www.oh-terminal.nl/
Region Express Tanks Farms,  https://www.regionexpress-tf.ru
Renyap Multiservice, http://www.renyapmultiservice.nl
Samara Transneft Storage, https://www.samaratransneftstorage.ru
SBD Logistiek BV, http://sbdlogistiekbv.nl
Tank management BV, http://tankmanagementbv.nl
United Bunkering and Transportation Company, http://www.ubcbv.nl

We strive to continuously update our blacklist of websites involved in storage spoofing. When new additions are spotted by our team or reported to either FERM or the Port of Rotterdam Authority, we thoroughly check its contents, background details and the companies they supposedly represent to make sure it is indeed a fake website suspected of taking part in attempted spoofing scams before adding it to our list.
Be advised: the Port of Rotterdam Authority’s Facts & Figures brochure includes a listing of all companies and terminals set up in the port, which can helps you to check whether a website is legitimate.
If you have tips and insights or have spotted a fake website, please contact us at contact@ferm-rotterdam.nl.